Monday, November 17, 2008

Disaster Leadership Training - American Red Cross Takes the Lead

This past week, people across region got together at the American Red Cross National Headquarters for the National Capital Region Disaster Leadership Training Conference.

Training ranged from Disaster Action Team (DAT) training to Mass Care/Shelter Operations to Emergency Operations Center (EOC)/Emergency Support Function (ESF) #6 to Serving People with Disabilities, and many more.

Not only was the leadership training offered by the American Red Cross, but partners also taught and attended the classes.

This training is supported with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and demonstrated organizations training together to best be prepared and provide leadership before, during, and after a disaster or major emergency.

Many of the participates are not only involved with the Red Cross, but also with multiple local response organizations including the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), Volunteer in Police Service (VIPS), Volunteer Mobilization Centers, etc.

The training provided an excellent opportunity for people who often take training in their local community/county to be able to also train with people in other jurisdictions and organizations.

This leadership conference should serve as a model for future training.

Picture below are some of the representatives that attended the Disaster Leadership Training Conference. The picture was taken in the American Red Cross National Headquarters Disaster Operations Center (DOC).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's nice to see people being active and wanting to help the Red Cross. I wish I could do more to help, but I have limited time for volunteering. For now, I support the Red Cross with the toolbar I downloaded from The toolbar lets all searching and shopping benefit the Red Cross (I registered mine to the Red Cross), so it's a great way to help out if your strapped for cash and time.