Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Are your lessons learned only your own?

How often do you wonder if another jurisdiction is doing something similar?

Are there things that we might not have considered?

Are there best practices?

Did you know that the Lessons Learned Information Sharing network out of the United States Department of Homeland Security has a repository to address those questions and more.

Lessons Learned Information Sharing ( is the national network of Lessons Learned, Best Practices, innovative ideas, and preparedness information for homeland security and emergency response professionals. By facilitating the sharing of knowledge, enhances the nation's ability to prepare for and respond to terrorism, natural disasters, and other incidents. is not only a repository for information but also a network that enables homeland security and emergency response professionals from across the country to share their knowledge and expertise in a secure, online environment.

(Reprinted from

1 comment:

Terry said...

The website has the potential to be an amazing resource of information on disaster mitigation and preparedness.
But don't hold your breath trying to get into it. The site is for registered first responders and govt. employees only. If you are a volunteer working in disaster response and preparedness, or a citizen wanting hard info on what best to do; then sadly you are going to suffer.
Because, you will be denied access to the site and the information within. This site is simply not accessible to the average citizen.
Which is a pity; because I'd like to see those lessons learned, those ideas that work, and those stories that inspire and motivate contained on the website.
I guess we can all go take a look at and be disappointed at the utter lack of concern the government shows for it's taxpaying citizens.
Or, you can go web surfing on your own for information on how to stay safe in a disaster. There are a large number of good private citizen run websites to obtain disaster preparedness information from; these come without the professional snobbishness or haughty demeanor of our governmental agencies. Happily, there are people still in the world that take to heart the concept of "neighbor helping neighbor"
Ultimately though; it is up to you, the reader to take care of yourself and your loved ones in a disaster.
A CERT guy