Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thanksgiving - Connecting With The Tribes

We had the opportunity to meet with the tribes of the region, during the Kadayawan Festival.

While visiting one of the exhibits, a woman asked me about what brought me to the region. After a lengthy explanation about volunteering and emergency preparedness, she explained she goes to all the tribes and spreads the message of preparedness to the different tribal communities.

There are multiple resources available, related to tribal communities, including FEMA's new Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101A Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning and IS-650: Building Partnerships with Tribal Governments. Additional resources have already been also posted on this blog.

This was an excellent opportunity to get to meet and spend time with all the tribes, to try their foods, experience native dance, see how they live, understand the different cultures, and really get to know them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You even met with the tribes. That is amazing! When are you coming home? We should arrange a session for you to speak to the Citizen Corps or our elected officials.